Emotet Epoch 5
March 21, 2023

The notorious Emotet malware has returned with a new tactic to evade macro-based security restrictions and infect systems. This time, it’s using Microsoft OneNote email attachments, as well as its previous modus operandi of distributing booby-trapped documents containing macros.
To bypass Microsoft’s macro-blocking measures, the Emotet malware now distributes malicious payloads via OneNote attachments. According to Malwarebytes, the OneNote file is convincing and effective, with a fake notification stating that the document is protected, and double-clicking the “View” button inadvertently executes an embedded script file that retrieves and executes the Emotet binary payload from a remote server. However, Emotet continues to use booby-trapped documents containing macros to deliver the malicious payload, employing social engineering lures to encourage users to enable macros and activate the attack chain. To avoid detection, these documents leverage a technique called decompression bomb to conceal a large file within ZIP archive attachments. Emotet’s flexibility and agility in switching attachment types for initial delivery is a cause for concern. Threat actors are increasingly using OneNote documents to distribute various malware, such as AsyncRAT, Icedid, RedLine Stealer, Qakbot, and XWorm. The U.S., South Korea, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Poland, India, the U.K., Italy, Japan, and Croatia are the top targeted countries, with manufacturing, high-tech, telecom, finance, and energy sectors the most at risk.Attack Scenario:
- Attacker hijacks an email thread and sends an attached OneNote file.
- The OneNote file contains an embedded .wsf script.
- The user double clicks on the OneNote image, which runs the embedded .wsf script.
- The .wsf script initiates the Emotet DLL.
- The Emotet DLL communicates with the attacker’s command and control (C2) server, sending information about the infected system and receiving commands from the attacker.
- The attacker can then use the infected system to carry out further attacks or steal sensitive information.
OneNote File Sizes from 6 Samples:
- Details-3922941.one
- ECLL 16032023.one
- List_1603.one
- Scan_247.one
- details_481978819.one
- report 1219844918.one
OneNote SHA256 Hashes:
- f24259e65a935722c36ab36f6e4429a1d0f04c0ac3600e4286cc717acc5b03d7 Details-3922941.one
- 823cb940b33f1d14576de6ab9bf747b3a1632accb0104ba1bdbbb62ae5054f3c ECLL 16032023.one
- 2d2a9278a7ee9c29e8a09d31b217a3ae7e88f2ae48eb44e1a1a4a879653dd126 List_1603.one
- ecba257a646789c31d971efc233267495ac532109e92b064bac0c8e231a27a38 Scan_247.one
- 5d65ab3b6748ba7034dc0588f2d61fa43e7fce7ed5ee6ab533e2f08274bc5d22 details_481978819.one
- 7c4591fd03b73ba6d0ec71a3cf89a04bfb4bd240d359117d96834a83727bdcc2 report 1219844918.one
.WSF in the above .ONE files:
- SHA256 hash: af0c7d355bb6a495d038fd05217209054107d31aa6199c491b74ae3d24b11c7e
- File size: 63,088 bytes
- File name: click.wsf
- Example of saved file location: C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\Temp\OneNote\16.0\Exported\{56D2BD78-EBDE-44C6-87B3-A47B99EFE0E4}\NT\0\click.wsf
12 URLs generated by the above .WSF:
- hxxp://1it[.]fit/site_vp/4PwK3s6Bf9K7TEA/
- hxxps://4fly[.]su/search/OfGA/
- hxxp://efirma.sglwebs[.]com/img/2mmLuv7SxhhYFRVn/
- hxxp://hypernite.5v[.]pl/vendor/hvlVMsI9jGafBBTa/
- hxxps://kts[.]group/35ccbf2003/jKgk8/
- hxxp://malli[.]su/img/PXN5J/
- hxxps://olgaperezporro[.]com/js/ExGBiCZdkkw0GBAuHNZ/
- hxxp://semedacara.com[.]br/ava/ahhz/
- hxxp://staging-demo[.]com/public_html/wTG/
- hxxps://thailandcan[.]org/assets/ulRa/
- hxxp://uk-eurodom[.]com/bitrix/9HrzPY66D1F/
- hxxp://www.polarkh-crewing[.]com/aboutus/EUzMzX7yXpP/